Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journey of a Filmmaker and his 3 year son trying to make it big in France. Part 1

The only time you are happy to wake up at 4 am is when you are going on a holiday and have to catch an early plane, or when you are about to start the first day of photography of your masterpiece film (which keeps eluding me every time)

Being on the International Depatures Terminal at Melbourne Airport brought lots of memories.


The year is 2004, 7 years ago from when I am writing this, I was standing on the same spot, arriving, with the same two bags, As lost as someone can possibly be, back then I was 21 and weighting 30 kilos less. (SFX:  nostalgic sight). about 24 hours before I had ended my first relationship and I had been crying almost 50% of the 16 hour flight from Santiago de Chile, from which I had been cryingh 98% of the 7 hour flight from my home country Colombia, in Bogota City.

I was standing there like an absolut retard, broken hearted and anorexic, but full of hope. I was suppose to start studying Film and Television, to be precise: Advance Diploma Of Screen Film and Television, at RMIT. And I couldnt understand half of what people said, and to make things worst, people couldnt understand half of what I said. (unfortunately sometimes I feel that not much has changed since then). I finally managed to find take the skybus and spend 15 dollars out of the 800 that I had brought with me, funny enough at that time I thought that was gonna last me a good 2 months, but two weeks later I will be sleeping on the floor on an empty house of West Footscray, eating home brand noodles with bread. But I don't know all this yet.


Though times. But hey, I made it. I still haven't win an Oscar, as I originally planned, but instead I ended up getting married with a Chinese woman, becoming an Australian and the father of 2 kids,  I also managed to comnplete a Graduate Certificate of Directing at AFTRS. So I guess I am on the right track (SFX: circus drums and trumpets)


We see a 4 year old kid wearing a backpack running and someone that seems to be his dad chasing him, shop attendands from side to side of the shopping arcade shake their heads in dissapointment.

                     IVAN TINOCO (V.O)
         So I am leaving to my first international
         Film Festival. Clermont Ferrand.
         I didn't actually got accepted, but I got
         in the film market, and thought it will be
         a good excuse to visit my mom after 8 years.
         surely I will find an agent, secure distribution
         find a buyer, a producer and sign my next
         feature film contract. and keep my son entretained
         on the 22 hours of flight that will follow, right ?



A plane swifts trough the clouds in complete peace.

                        IVAN JR (O.S)
       Daddy ?, Where are we going ? daddy ?
       but why ? daddy ? where are we going ?
       daddy ? daddy ? daddy ? I need toilet.

A storm brews in the distance.

FADE TO BLACK. Roll credits over photos.

One day stopover at Seul

I want to go home.

Guess the city to access the DVD extras.

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